Other Services


ISHEM and our network of associates provide a comprehensive range of consultancy services relating to health, safety, and environmental management, including:
Company Policies and Standards
Development and implementation of company / global standards and policies
Legal Support
Expert witness
Legal privilege
Preparation of technical documents
Root cause analysis
Project Management
Large portfolio / global clients
Multi-disciplinary teams
Energy Audits
Energy Performance Reports
Service Provider Contract Governance Support
Service provider method statement appraisal
Independent witnessing and auditing
Tender Support
Specification preparation
Tender return appraisal
Tender evaluation panel
ISHEM consultants and associates are qualified and experienced in health, safety and environmental management providing practical and pragmatic advice to ensure you are fully compliant with applicable legislation. Our consultants have conducted many assignments across a wide range of sectors including healthcare, industrial, commercial, and residential premises. All assignments are performed by qualified consultants and testing by laboratories accredited to ISO 17025.
The value of independence for verification and validation of Health & Safety is recognised by many organisations and is a specific requirement for some regulatory authorities. ISHEM is a completely independent consultancy with no financial interest in remediation so you can be assured of receiving impartial advice on the most appropriate and cost-effective solution to meet your specific requirements.
For further information and a quotation for services contact us here.